Susan Cox Mediation offers professional mediation for today's real world challenges.
A Letter from Susan Cox
People sitting in my office are rarely in a happy place in their lives. They may be somewhere in the process of obtaining a divorce or overwhelmed with other family conflicts or inter-personal issues that need resolution. Feelings of sadness, hurt, anger, fear, betrayal, and anxiety are common. In the midst of such stress and conflict, where does one start with making huge and difficult life decisions?
Why Mediation?
Mediation helps people work through their conflicts one step at a time and make it all more manageable. A mediator is an impartial person who helps you tailor an agreement that is best for you and your family. You can custom design a plan and outcome that meets your unique needs. If you're like most people, you'd prefer to resolve your differences in a non-adversarial way and avoid an expensive, time-consuming court process.
Mediation is a faster, less expensive way to settle disputes than divorce litigation or other court proceedings. It is also a fully-confidential, more respectful and more positive approach to conflict resolution. Research has consistently demonstrated that parties are happier and more compliant with a mediated outcome than with a judgment rendered by a court.
Why Susan Cox ?
I have been a mediator in private practice since 1983. As an advanced practitioner, I have mediated over 2,000 cases in many areas, including divorce, parenting, financial issues, post-divorce conflicts, prenuptial agreements, financial issues, step- and blended-family issues, parent-child disputes, senior care and adult dependent family member care issues, and business and community conflict.
-I received my Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work from Tulane University.
-I am a Board Member with the North Carolina Association of Professional Family Mediators.
-I received certification at the Advanced Practitioner level with the Association of Conflict Resolution in 1990 and am active in the Academy of Professional Family Mediators.
As we work together, I will educate you about the mediation process and its benefits. If you have any questions about my services or your particular situation, please feel free to contact me. I'm here to help.
Best wishes,
One Client Says:

A successful prenup!

Empathy noted: